Sights of Pyatigorsk. Monument to Lermontov.

Sights of Pyatigorsk. Monument to Lermontov.

In every city there were some significant events and people who remained connected forever. You will remember about the city, you will remember about an event or a person. For Pyatigorsk, such a person is Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov.
Lermontov was in Pyatigorsk 5 times: he rested as a child, the last time he came to work, in the fateful year 1841 for him.
And besides many memorable places, such as the monument at the place of Lermontov's death, Lermontov's house, Lermontov's grotto, etc., I would like to tell you separately about the monument to Mikhail Yurievich in Lermontov Square.

The monument to Lermontov was the last point of our walking tour. But it was necessary to see the enthusiasm of the guide and the attitude with which he spoke about the monument. After 2 hours of independent walking and a 3-hour subsequent excursion, we barely reached this last point, our ranks thinned), but I must say that those who left missed the most interesting.
When Lermontov died, Pyatigorsk residents in the city did not have any perpetuated memory of the great poet. And people petitioned Tsar Alexander II about the possibility of building a monument. The letter was signed by several hundred signatories. In response to the letter received, the tsar replied that he had no objections, but... it cannot allocate funds.
How many good beginnings remain unfinished. But here the Pyatigorsk people showed all the strength of their character and perseverance.
The money was collected for about 10 years, until 1883! And there was not a single person, even homeless, who did not invest at least a copper penny in the future monument.
When the money was collected, the Pyatigorsk residents sent a request to create a monument to the sculptor A.M. Opekushin, who created a monument to Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin on Pushkin Square in Moscow. The sculptor agreed and the work went on.
While working on the monument, A. M. Opekushin visited all the Lermontov places, trying to understand the spirit and atmosphere of the place.
As a result, in 1889, a monument to Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov was created, which is the pride of Pyatigorsk residents and an object of cultural heritage of federal significance. The poet sits and looks into the distance, at Mount Elbrus, that is, the highest point that can be seen from Pyatigorsk. He is in a reverie, the cloak has slipped a little, the book has also almost fallen. The poet looked at the beautiful views of Pyatigorsk. As now, all visitors stare at the wonderful monument that the people themselves built to the great poet in order to forever link the memory of their hometown of Pyatigorsk with him.