Bonsai Garden in winter

Bonsai Garden in winter
Today, early in the morning, the question arrived: "Does the bonsai garden work in winter? "
The question is quite relevant, because winter is a period of rest for trees, and for most of our colleagues they go to a shelter or special insulated places for wintering. In addition, a person who is not familiar with bonsai perceives bare trees as not interesting for contemplation and even, sometimes, questions arise whether they are alive. But for a fan of bonsai, this is the most interesting moment to contemplate, because in winter you can see the entire skeleton of the tree, every twig of it. It's not for nothing that the most famous bonsai exhibitions are held at a time when the trees are shedding their leaves.
Fortunately, we are in a fairly warm climate and the exhibition collection is made up of local trees and shrubs. This allows us to enjoy the contemplation of the bonsai garden all year round. Do not miss the winter contemplation season, because there is another very beautiful and interesting moment of admiring the garden - the Japanese tradition of admiring the snow "yuki-mi"
Snow is rare in Japan, but the Japanese themselves are such a people that they have a ritual for any natural phenomenon. And snow, which is so rare for most of the country, is generally perceived as a holiday. That's why they have a yukimi sake ritual, when you can sit on the veranda with a cup of rice vodka or wine and contemplate the snow, learn zen.
Each type of snow has its own name. Even the snowflakes themselves have a whole atlas. It was compiled by Doi Toshitsura in 1833, for which he received the nickname The Prince of Snow. Each snowflake in it has its own name, and most of them later became the coats of arms of noble families.
Snow in Japan was widely celebrated in art. The most common motif of the snow ornament was yukimochi (under the snow). This was usually how trees were depicted. In this case, the main motif was the image of a tree, and the snow became additional and its coldness softened.
Contemplating snow on small, thin bonsai twigs is a separate pleasure and a double zen. Even a little snow looks very large here. Due to the small size of the tree, even a thin layer of snowflakes is perceived as a hefty snowdrift. And the morning frost already looks like snow by itself. During the day, this picture changes rapidly, and so, after the snowfall, in the evening, you contemplate the mini icicles on the branches. And the next morning, the sun came out and all this splendor sparkled like a diamond scattering.
I'll probably repeat myself, but contemplating bonsai is contemplating a moment that is unique. There will be new frost and new snow sparkling in the sun, but they will be different. It will be a new unforgettable moment of contemplating bonsai under the snow.
We are always glad to see you watching the Elena Korovaina Bonsai Garden, by appointment.
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