Discover Russia: A journey through the regions. Sakhalin region

Discover Russia: A journey through the regions. Sakhalin region

Sakhalin Region: where the Pacific Ocean meets Russia


The Sakhalin Region, located on the island of the same name, the Kuril Ridge and several small islands, covers 87,100 square kilometers – an area comparable to the territory of Austria. Here the nature is wild and harsh, with characteristic features formed under the influence of the Pacific Ocean.

Climate: Sakhalin is an area of moderate monsoon climate with warm, humid summers and cold, snowy winters.
• Spring on Sakhalin comes late, in April, and brings with it a short period of sunny weather. The average daytime temperature at this time is +5°C...+10°C.
• Summer (June-August) is a time of comfortable temperatures, although with frequent rains. The average temperature in July is +16°C.
• Autumn (September-October) is a colorful time when nature dresses in crimson and gold tones, but with cold nights. The average daytime temperature at this time is +5°C...+10°C.
• Winter (November-March) is long and cold, with heavy snowfall. The temperature drops to -12°C in January.

Major cities:

•  Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, the capital of the region, with a population of more than 200 thousand people, is the economic and cultural center of the region.
• Kholmsk, a large port and industrial center, with a population of about 30 thousand people.
• Korsakov, an important seaport serving passenger and cargo transportation, with a population of about 35 thousand people.
• Okha, the center of oil production and refining, with a population of about 25 thousand people.

Transport links:

• A network of bus routes has been developed between the major cities of the region. There is a regular bus service between Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Kholmsky, Korsakov and Okha.
• Rail services connecting Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk with Kholmsk are also available.
• For short-distance trips, you can use a taxi.
How to get:
• By plane: The most convenient and fastest way is by air. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk International Airport accepts flights from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok and other Russian cities.
• By train: A train ride is a long journey that takes 3-4 days. The Trans-Siberian railway passes through Khabarovsk, from where you can transfer to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk by train.
• By sea: Sea transport vessels ply between the mainland and Sakhalin Island, carrying out cargo and passenger transportation.

Nature: The Sakhalin region is a picturesque landscape, from mountain ranges to coastal sandy beaches. Here you can find unique plants and animals, many of which are listed in the Red Book.
Tourism: The Sakhalin region is a great option for outdoor recreation. Here you can go fishing, hunting, hiking, skiing and snowboarding. Historical monuments and museums are no less attractive for tourists.
Culture: Sakhalin is home to different peoples who keep their traditions and customs. Here you can see bright festivals and concerts, get acquainted with folk art.
Sakhalin is an island full of contrasts and amazing places that will not leave you indifferent. Here are some of the most interesting places worth visiting:

Natural attractions:

• Cape Krillon: The southernmost point of Sakhalin, where the taiga descends to the sea, forming breathtaking views.
• Hot springs: Scattered throughout the island and offer the opportunity to relax and improve your health surrounded by nature.
• The Kuril Islands, the largest of which are Kunashir and Iturup. The islands have incredible volcanoes, hot springs, pristine forests and unusual animals. You can get to the Kuril Islands only from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. And from there you have 3 ways: by plane to Yuzhno-Kurilsk (Kunashir Island), by plane to Kurilsk (Iturup Island) and by ship. 
•  Cape Giant: A dramatic cape with sheer cliffs offering panoramic ocean views. You can get there by car or bus.
• Busse Lake: A crater lake surrounded by volcanoes and forests, which is considered one of the most beautiful places in Sakhalin. Available by car or tour bus.

Historical sites:

• Sakhalin History Museum: Allows you to immerse yourself in the history of the island and learn more about its indigenous inhabitants, the Japanese occupation and post-war development.
• Museum of Local Lore: Offers to learn about the flora and fauna of Sakhalin, about fishing and other areas of island life.
• The city of Nevelsk: A city with a rich history that preserves traces of Japanese heritage.
• The remains of a Japanese fortress in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk: A reminder of the period of Japanese occupation.
For outdoor enthusiasts:
• Fishing: Sakhalin is a paradise for fishermen. Here you can catch various types of fish, from salmon to cod.
 Hiking: Walking through the forests and mountains of Sakhalin is a great way to experience the beauty of the island.
• Snowboarding and skiing: In winter, you can ski and snowboard on Sakhalin.
• Diving: In the waters of the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan, you can see a variety of marine animals.
Sakhalin is an island with a rich history and culture, so there are several local festivals that celebrate the unique features of the region. Here are some of them:

Holidays related to history and culture:

• Sakhalin Oblast Day: July 28 is the main holiday of the region, dedicated to its history and formation.
• Sakhalin Liberation Day from Japanese occupation: September 3 is a memorable date that recalls an important milestone in the history of Sakhalin.
• Fisherman's Day: In early July, this holiday is celebrated in various towns and villages of Sakhalin, demonstrating the importance of fishing for the region.
• Sakhalin Indigenous Peoples Day: August 19 is a holiday dedicated to the indigenous peoples of Sakhalin, their culture, traditions and languages.

Holidays related to nature and resources:
• Baikal Day: August 2 is a holiday dedicated to Lake Baikal, which is a symbol of the purity and beauty of nature.
• Red Caviar Day: In October, it is a holiday dedicated to one of the main symbols of Sakhalin.

Other holidays:
• Sakhalin Summer: A festival that takes place in late July and early August.
• “City Day": Celebrating the birthdays of cities on Sakhalin (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Korsakov, Kholmsk, etc.).
These are just some of the local holidays that are celebrated on Sakhalin. In addition to these, there are many other events and festivals that may be of interest to visitors.
Folk crafts

Unfortunately, Sakhalin does not have the same rich traditions of folk crafts as, for example, Siberia or the European part of Russia. This is due to the fact that the indigenous peoples of Sakhalin, such as the Nivkh and Ainu, have been significantly influenced by Russian culture.

Nevertheless, there are several interesting crafts on Sakhalin:
• Wood carving: Traditionally used to create household items, weapons and jewelry. Modern craftsmen continue to develop this craft by creating souvenirs and decorative items.
• Bone making: Traditionally used to create knives, jewelry, combs and other items. Currently, craftsmen create products from walrus and whale bones.
• Vine weaving: Traditionally used to create baskets, bags, boxes and other household items. In modern times, vine weaving is used to create souvenirs and decorative items.
• Embroidery: It was traditionally used to decorate clothes, bed linen and other items. In modern times, embroidery is used to create souvenirs and decorative items.
• Making dolls from fabric: This tradition came to Sakhalin from Japan and has survived to the present day. Dolls made of fabric are used as souvenirs and decorative items.
Traditional cuisine:
The cuisine of Sakhalin, like the island itself, is distinctive, mixing the traditions of indigenous peoples, as well as the influence of Russian and Japanese cuisine.

Folk dishes:
• Pumpkin soup: Thick pumpkin soup with meat or fish, a traditional Sakhalin delicacy.
• “Dumplings with venison": Delicious dumplings with reindeer meat, an integral part of traditional cuisine.
• “Meat in Sakhalin”: Stewed meat with vegetables in a spicy marinade, a popular dish with a rich history.
• “Seal cutlets": A traditional Nivkh dish made from seal meat. It is usually served with potatoes or cabbage.

Seafood delicacies:
Red caviar: One of the most famous delicacies of Sakhalin. It is served as an appetizer or used to prepare various dishes.
• Squid: A popular ingredient for salads, appetizers and hot dishes.
• Cod: Delicious fish that is cooked in different ways.
• Salmon: Various types of salmon are caught in Sakhalin, including chum salmon, pink salmon and coho salmon.
• Sea urchins: A delicacy that can be tasted raw or cooked with it in various dishes. 
Enjoy your meal! 😊
The Sakhalin Region is a place of contrasts, where majestic mountains meet the boundless ocean, and the harsh climate gives way to hospitable people. A place where you can plunge into the world of wild beauty and get unforgettable impressions.