Collecting dolls

Collecting dolls

Vintage, porcelain, Barbie ... many who are fond of collecting dolls. But the largest collections are collected in museums. Where you can get inspired and see dolls of various times and types - we will tell you in our article 

Museum of Unique Dolls 
📍Moscow, Pokrovka, 13, p.2

The masterpieces of the puppet masters of the past centuries are collected here. This is one of the largest collections in Europe. The founder of the museum is the famous collector and artist Yulia Vishnevskaya. 
Today, the museum has about 6,000 exhibits. These are porcelain, wax, textile, wooden dolls of the leading masters of Russia, France, Germany, England,
Japan of the late XVII - early XX century. The museum also presents dollhouses with miniature furniture, soft toys. 
At the exhibition you can look at porcelain dolls by Russian masters Zhuravlev and Kocheshkov, Fedoseev, Dunaev. They are considered especially valuable, since in the 20s the entire collection was almost destroyed. The reason for this is the Decree of the People's Commissariat of Education "for excessive bourgeoisness." 
Doll houses will amaze no less than dolls. There is, for example, a house furnished in the "Tudor" style of the 30s of the twentieth century, or an "English town house" of the middle of the XIX century. 

Photos from the website:

St. Petersburg Doll Museum 
📍Saint Petersburg, Kamskaya str., 8/90

The museum has 12 halls of exhibition space. Here you can visit the halls of interior dolls, theater, fairy tales, Russian folklore dolls, traditional rituals and holidays, the hall "Forest Kingdom", frivolous dolls (18+), "Pride and Glory of the Fatherland", "Petersburg Perspectiva", as well as a demonstration workshop. Here the showcases are like a theatrical stage, where puppet actors come out. 
In addition, the museum often exhibits original dolls and toys of various artists and collectors. Today, the museum has about 40 thousand exhibits. 

Photos from the website:

You want to come to such museums again and again, study every detail and still find something new for yourself every time. A fairy tale comes to life here and aesthetics lives. 

Have you ever been to a doll museum?