Passion for travel on the website “World of hobbies”

Passion for travel on the website “World of hobbies”
Nizhny Novgorod is the second most populous city in the Volga Federal District, based at the confluence of two rivers – the Oka and Volga. In 2021, the city celebrated 800 years since its foundation.
Nizhny Novgorod is full of sights, so we recommend visiting the following objects:
Rukavishnikov Manor is a beautiful mansion built in 1877 in the Italian style. At the present time, the estate has been reclassified into a historical museum-reserve.
Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street – combines four squares: Lyadova, Gorky, Teatralnaya, Pozharsky. The street looks fundamental, historical buildings and structures are located on it.
The Chkalovskaya Memorial Staircase is a business card of the city. The staircase has an interesting configuration and is made in the form of an eight with 560 steps.
The State Bank is a late 19th century building. At one time, Emperor Nicholas II visited this building. Today the building is used as a Central Bank, on the ground floor of which there is a museum.
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral of the 19th century. Initially, the building housed a temple. However, in Soviet times there was a fire in which all the decorations and props burned down. After the restoration, the building was returned to the church. And after some time, the city administration decided to create a cathedral here.
Nizhny Novgorod is rich in sights and beautiful landscapes, so the tourist sites listed above are not all places worth visiting.
Nizhny Novgorod keeps a huge craft heritage. Since the middle of the 19th century, the native Russian craft “Gorodetsky painting” – a special type of wood painting - has been developing in the Nizhny Novgorod province. Gorodetsky painting originated in the Volga region, in the area of the city called Gorodets. At first, only spinning wheels were painted, and then other interior items, all kinds of boxes, wooden dishes, etc. were decorated in this way. They mainly painted holidays, walks, tea parties, hunting, lovers' dates and many other subjects, and a little later flowers firmly took the leading positions.
The most curious tourists are recommended to visit the factory in Gorodets, which still uses both ancient and modern painting methods. Why not combine business with pleasure: and see the city, and try to make your own painted plate.
Examples of Gorodetsky painting on a cutting board and a casket
A passion for traveling is a great way to learn something new and meet interesting people. Nizhny Novgorod is a wonderful city for tourists to visit. Perhaps you will like him too?!
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