Adygea - passion for travel as a lifestyle

Adygea - passion for travel as a lifestyle
The Republic of Adygea is a subject of the Russian Federation, which is part of the Southern Federal District, the capital is Maykop. It is famous for its magnificent views and nature so rich that everyone who has visited Adygea at least once will remember the sights that they saw here, but also the beautiful natural landscapes.
The first place to go is the Lago-Naki plateau, which has settled in the region of the Western Caucasus. This is one of the most amazing places in Adygea. An ecotrope passes through it, which will appeal to lovers of hiking.
Lago Naki Plateau
The plateau will surprise you with its rich flora and fauna. Millions of years ago there was an ocean on the place of the plateau. And when he was gone, the earth was enriched with minerals, which, in turn, contribute to the enrichment of plants.
It is worth mentioning the Rufabgo waterfalls and the gorge - a beautiful and famous place among tourists. The gorge is famous for waterfalls, a variety of trails and attractions such as an ancient altar, menhirs, an underground prison in a medieval fortress.
The Khadjokh Gorge (the canyon of the White River) is an attraction that tourists always mention after visiting Adygea. In the canyon, 400 m long and 7 meters wide, observation decks, reliable structures and supports have been built. And nature itself has created amazing shapes of rocks, stone bridges, etc.
Khadjokh Gorge (White River Canyon)
The Caucasian Biosphere Reserve is the most amazing reserve located on the territory of Adygea, Krasnodar Krai and the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, founded in 1924 and covering an area of 2,848 km2. In 1979, UNESCO took the reserve under its care. The reserve is famous for its rich wildlife.
Caucasian Biosphere Reserve
Granite Canyon (Blockhouse Canyon) deserves special attention. The gorge stretches for 4 km in length and goes 200 m deep. It was formed by the actions of the waters of the Belaya River. In the common people it is called “red canyon” because of the reddish color of granite. And the name “trident" came into use among climbers.
Adygea is so beautiful that it is not impossible to express in words. What is its nature and the kinds that it presents. The passion for traveling around Adygea will bring you a lot of pleasant memories and photos. We also recommend visiting such objects as the Big Thach, the Big Azish Cave, the Belaya River and the suspension bridge, the Observation deck on the Cossack Mountain, the Waterfall on the Oselkov Stream, the Partizanskaya Glade, and many other unique places.
С компанией веселее 😇
Также в Гуамском ущелье находятся Медвежья пещера, Монахов ручей, Обзорная площадка Монахова, Сухая балка, есть множество водопадов и каньонов. Были этим летом, как и везде в Адыгее, природные достопримечательности здесь незабываемые. А у каньона Матузка для любителей экстремальных развлечений имеется тросовая переправа!
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Температура воды в термальном источнике составляет от 20 до 100°С. Например, в Адыгее есть гостиницы с бассейнами с термальной водой, специально охлаждаемой для возможности купания!
В России термальные источники имеются в Краснодарском, Ставропольском краях, Адыгее, Тюменьской области, на Байкале и Камчатке.
Термальные источники бывают разных видов: фонтан с горячей жидкостью называется гейзером, фонтан из струи пара — фумаролой, фонтан с грязевыми примесями — грязевым фонтаном. Можно назвать их одним из чудес и подарков природы, который люди должны беречь и умело использовать. 😍