Travel lover in Suzdal - the main attractions

Travel lover in Suzdal - the main attractions

Suzdal is a city located northeast of Moscow and is part of the Golden Ring, a group of ancient cities in Russia. The city-reserve began its history in 1024, and there is something to see in it.

The first attraction worth paying attention to is the Suzdal Kremlin Museum, which includes several components: The Mother of God-the Nativity Cathedral, the Bishops' Chambers and the wooden St. Nicholas Church.

Suzdal Kremlin

Special attention should be paid to the Mother of God-the Nativity Cathedral built in the XII century during the reign of Vladimir Monomakh. However, until the last century it was dismantled several times and rebuilt after fires and other events. Only in the 16th century the cathedral received a modern appearance. 

Assumption Church. The first mention of the temple was found in the charter of Tsar Ivan III at the end of 1495. At that time it was a courtyard church of the prince's estate. Until 1617, the church remained wooden, but why it was changed to brickwork remains a mystery to this day. Going inside, the image of a 5-tier iconostasis rises in front of the audience. In 2015, the relics of St. Arseny of Suzdal were brought to the church. According to legend, many childhood illnesses can be cured if you touch his relics.

The Museum of Wooden Architecture with an area of 3.5 hectares is distinguished by a large number of monuments of the XVIII-XIX centuries (18 pieces). Beauty is also attached to the location of the museum - the high picturesque bank of the Kamenka River. The museum features a village of Vladimir province, where you will find two churches and a chapel. Then, walking down the street, you will find peasant houses with interesting house arrangements and unusual exhibitions. Here you will feel how the Russian peasants lived.

Museum of Wooden Architecture

Suzdal is rich in churches and monasteries. Therefore, we highly recommend visiting the Entrance-Jerusalem and Pyatnitskaya churches, the Resurrection and Kazan churches, the Spaso-Euthymius Monastery, the Smolensk and Simeon churches. Special attention should be paid to the wax museum, which exhibits mainly domestic figures for the period from the 9th century to the 20th century.

Suzdal is a unique city that can surprise travel lovers. In the comments, you can share your experience of visiting the city or take out useful information from those tourists who have already visited the city.