St. Petersburg is the pearl of Russia with its sights

St. Petersburg is the pearl of Russia with its sights

Saint Petersburg is a city of drawbridges and white nights. A popular tourist city that never sleeps). Because during the day tourists can visit the museum, park ensembles, and in the evening have a cultural rest in the most atmospheric institutions and places. Graceful embankments, magnificent facades of the Winter Palace and elegant spans of aristocratic mansions of Nevsky Prospekt - all this has absorbed St. Petersburg. Coming to this city, you should definitely take a look at such sights as:

  • The State Hermitage Museum is a museum that is the property not only of the Russian Federation, but also of the whole world. Along with the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, the Louvre in Paris, the Uffizi Gallery in Florence and other world-famous museums, the State Hermitage is famous for its unique expositions and is recognized as one of the most luxurious museums in the world. The exposition includes 6 buildings, which store about 3 million exhibits. The Winter Palace is the main value of the museum, as it housed the imperial residence. This complex was built thanks to Bartolomeo Rastrelli, who did not spare his imagination and created the Hermitage in the style of "Elizabethan Baroque".
  • The Great Catherine Palace - settled near St. Petersburg, in Pushkin. The first royal house was erected in the XVIII century. This was followed by the construction of the remaining houses of the complex under the reign of Elizabeth under the direction of architect Rastrelli back in the 1750s. The construction of the palace was carried out in the style of classical Baroque, in the lush interiors dominated by elements in the style of "Rococo".
  • Peterhof is an imperial country residence, which was founded by Peter the Great at the beginning of the XVIII century. Peterhof's middle name is "Russian Versailles". For three centuries of its existence, the appearance of Peterhof has changed quite a lot, and after the War of 1941-1945, it was restored literally from the wreckage. Peterhof attracts tourists from all over the world. On its territory you will plunge into the imperial wealth, luxurious fountains, parks and many other unique expositions.
  • Palace Square is the main square of St. Petersburg, built in the XVIII-XIX centuries and founded in front of the Winter Palace. Its dimensions are huge: in terms of area, it is twice as large as Red Square in Moscow. A monumental Alexandrian column has been erected in the center of the square, as a reminder of the victory over the French enemy. Nicholas I personally supervised her elevation.
  • Peter and Paul Fortress. With its construction, the birth of the city began. The beginning of the construction of the fortress began in the XVIII century, as a defensive structure against enemies. However, it had a completely different function - the function of a prison. The fortress consists of several structures, it also includes the Peter and Paul Cathedral, which at that time was the main temple of the capital, built in the style of "Russian Baroque".
  • The cruiser Aurora is a museum ship that has been through two wars: the Russian-Japanese War in 1904-1905 and the First World War in 1914-1918. The whole Russian people know him firsthand because of the events of the October Revolution of 1917 . To date, the ship has become a symbol of the city, its unshakable spirit and is not inferior in importance to the Palace Square, the Winter Palace, etc. 

You can list the sights of St. Petersburg endlessly. It will not take a week to get around all the memorable places of this city: the State Russian Museum, the Kunstkammer, the Mariinsky and Alexandrinsky Theaters, the building of the Main Admiralty, Oranienbaum, the Erarta Museum and many, many other iconic places. And what is your favorite place in St. Petersburg)?