Siberia is a place shrouded in secrets and myths.

Siberia is a place shrouded in secrets and myths.
Siberia is a region of the Russian Federation, in the Asian part of northern Russia, which is bounded from the west by the Ural Mountains, from the east by the watershed ridges along the Pacific Ocean, from the north by the Arctic Ocean, from the south by the state border of Russia.
Siberia can be divided into eastern and western.
The Altai Territory, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo Regions, Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs belong to Western Siberia.
The republics of Khakassia, Tyva, Buryatia, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Irkutsk and Chita Regions belong to Eastern Siberia.
Siberia is a truly unique place that combines tundra, coniferous forests, mountain systems and unexplored territories shrouded in secrets and myths.
The first landmark attraction of this region is Lake Baikal. The deepest freshwater lake in the world, its depth is 1642 m. The origin of this lake has not yet been proven and scientists around the world cannot agree on how it was created. If you suddenly pass near this place, be sure to take a closer look at the unique miracle of nature. And it doesn't matter if it happens in summer or winter.
Lake Baikal
On the way to Baikal, you can visit Irkutsk. Here you will find an interesting historical district, where all kinds of restaurants, cozy cafes and museums are concentrated, with interesting wooden houses with carvings. In the city you will be met by "Babr" - the Ussuri tiger, which the Yakuts nicknamed babr. It is he who flaunts on the coat of arms of the city and is its symbol.
Babr Monument
The Church of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God is also located here. A beautiful temple with a special atmosphere. The surrounding area deserves special attention - a marble fountain, its own zoo, trees, garden. The interior decoration cannot be described in words!
Do not bypass the village of LISTVYANKA, founded in 1726. There is an atmosphere of celebration and various kinds of entertainment events. Be sure to visit the museum of mystical ethnography and a retro park with vintage cars. And the younger generation will like the inhabitants of the Siberian Zoo. For more active recreation, the village offers a dog sled ride. However, the most important attraction is the local market, where they sell original souvenirs, stone products and Baikal fish.
Listvyanka Market
The Church of St. John the Warrior is located in Novokuznetsk. Initially, a comprehensive school was located here, and after that the sports school of the Zyryanovskaya mine. But in 1994, a parish was opened in the former sports school. The temple has undergone some changes during the reconstruction. After all the necessary measures, on November 16, 2008, the church was consecrated by His Grace Aristarchus, Bishop of Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk.
Church of St. John the Warrior
The Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the main church of the Omsk diocese. The beginning of construction dates back to July 16, 1891. The foundation stone of the cathedral was laid by the future Russian Emperor Nicholas II.
The consecration of the cathedral took place on September 9, 1898, which was performed by the first Omsk Bishop Gregory. On September 8, 1905, John of Kronstadt celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Assumption Cathedral, blessed the people of Omsk and preached a sermon.
Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Of course, Siberia is so multifaceted and amazing that it will take a lot of time to go around all the iconic places and attractions. However, in the travelers club, a forum for which was created specifically to discuss travel topics, you can not only discuss, but also take all the key points of this region on a pencil. You will be able to find interesting people and routes that the forum members will tell you about. Join us, it will be interesting!
Comments ()
- # ↓
Сибирь примечательна тем, что попадая туда, вы чувствуете себя будто-бы вы в другой стране. Во всяком случае у меня было такое впечатление! этого даже словами не объяснишь, надо просто съездить туда, чтобы понять.reply-
Анна # ↑ ↓
Я вот под таким же впечатлением от Заповедника «Столбы». Очень самобытное место, от которого тянет неимоверной энергиейreply-
Анастасия # ↑ ↓
Надо бы и мне туда съездить)) тем боле давно хотела 😁reply
Мне про Сибирь отец рассказывал, он там работал! природа отличная, все остальное не оченьreply
Оксана # ↓
Байкал — это просто ван лав. Потрясающее место. Мы были там зимой, лед был настолько прозрачным, что страшно было на него становиться, но потом понимаешь насколько он толстый и поражаешься этой природеreply-
Ульяна # ↑ ↓
Байкал, это очень классное место. Я осталась в полном восторге)))) в такое место очень сложно не влюбиться!!!reply
Kate # ↓
Республика Алтай — если вы там никогда не были, то срочно берите туда билеты и выезжайте первым же рейсом. Как там красиво и приятно… 😇reply-
Вера # ↑ ↓
Я тоже была на Алтае)) не забуду никогда это путешествие и красоты, которые увиделаreply
Алекс Змей # ↓
Долина вулканов — место, в котором вы окунетесь в геологические особенности. здесь очень красиво, а еще немного страшновато. Это же вулканы!!! но зрелище и ощущения стоят того))))reply-
ОЛЕГ # ↑ ↓
Почитал в инете про место, видимо действительно стоит внимания. С женой обязательно съездим туда!reply
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