Paradoxes of Physics at the Einstein Museum of Entertaining Sciences in Yaroslavl.

Paradoxes of Physics at the Einstein Museum of Entertaining Sciences in Yaroslavl.
In one of the shopping centers of Yaroslavl - RIO shopping center there is a Museum of entertaining Einstein sciences. Earlier, being in the mall and passing by, we had no idea about such an interesting place. What is called, from the series "amazing nearby".
At the last visit to the shopping center, we purposefully came to visit the museum on the advice of friends.
At the entrance to the museum, characters made of metal greet you. This is an example of one of them. Cute, right?)
All visitors to the museum can use the services of a guide, the tour is included in the ticket price. There is no need to wait for her, we joined the tour in the middle of the show, and the guide brought the tour with us to the place when we joined. The same scheme of work with all visitors. The guide's story was accompanied not only by a demonstration, but also by an explanation of physical phenomena. During the course of the conversation, we remembered or learned)) actions of physical laws. The principle of operation of each exhibit was explained to us.
We did the next round of viewing the exhibits on our own: we knocked, drummed, solved puzzles, lifted the car, children lifted adults on a chair, drew on the sand, touched the plasma ball.
The museum also has a photo zone where anyone can take pictures with sea urchins.
The museum has a real cockpit, and even a pilot's helmet. Sitting down and trying on a helmet, you can feel like real pilots. This is somewhat indirectly related to physics, but especially boys should be very interesting!
Among the exhibits was the cosmonaut's cabin, but at the time of our visit it was not working (there was no vibration / torsion that could be tried). And we were content with a simple inspection.
We came to the museum an hour before closing time and were in a bit of a hurry with the inspection. In order to climb everywhere and try everything, I advise you to lay for at least an hour and a half to stay in the museum.
The Einstein Museum of Entertaining Sciences is a wonderful place where you can take excursions with tourists coming to Yaroslavl or local schoolchildren. I hope that this is the case, and if not, then you now know about this interesting place and will be able to visit it yourself. I wish you a successful viewing and refresh your knowledge of physics)).