Tomskaya pisanitsa. Part 2.

Tomskaya pisanitsa. Part 2.

This part of my story describes the events of the second and third days of our visit to the Tomsk Pisanitsa. 

On the morning of the second day, we went to get acquainted with the main miracle of the "Tomsk Pisanitsa" - rock carvings (petroglyphs) preserved on the rocky bank of the river. These drawings were created by our ancestors more than four thousand years ago. Actually, the museum was formed thanks to the paintings of ancient people discovered on the rocks. 

Looking at the petroglyphs, you begin to fantasize that maybe it was my ancestor who had a hand in writing this or that drawing. You try to understand what he was like, what he did. And what conclusion I and other modern people could draw from his life experience, what to learn.

Gradually, the territory of the "Tomsk Pisanitsa" grew to 156 hectares and became a museum complex, combining nature, history and culture. We went to admire the petroglyphs on the second day of our stay in Pisanitsa. An amazing place. An unpleasant residue remained from the fact that vandals once "competed" with ancient artists here, leaving barbaric inscriptions with their names and even surnames. Now the corner with rock paintings is under round-the-clock security.

Tomskaya Pisanitsa is a museum space for all ages. A "Fairy Tale Territory" has been created here for children. 

Our young offspring found out what Baba Yaga's house looks like, and even got to know her, took a ride on a Russian stove with a breeze. 

Also in the museum-reserve you can feed animals in a mini-zoo, get acquainted with the mythology and epic of the peoples of Siberia, visit the Slavic mythological forest, consider the authentic residential and outbuildings of the Shors of the late XIX – early XX centuries. We visited all these locations on the third day of our stay there. In the Shorsky ulus, I was particularly impressed by the wedding hut, which was built for the bride and groom from birch branches and birch bark.

The groom built a fire in it and stood with the bride for three days, accepting gifts from the guests. And in the crafts center, for the first time in my life, I saw an incredibly simple and at the same time ingenious loom made of tree branches. He admired so much that I wanted to learn how to weave. 

In general, there are so many interesting things in the "Scribble" that you can tell for a long time. Personally, we barely had time to go around and see everything in three days. 
It is better to visit the museum-reserve on Friday, Saturday and Sunday – it is on these days that all activities take place there (they sell authentic goods and souvenirs, stage performances, conduct master classes and games with fairy-tale characters). If you haven't been to this wonderful museum yet, I advise you to definitely go, this place charges with new creative energy and fills with unforgettable emotions.