Golden waterfall, ecotropes and rocks – entertainment in Novosibirsk. Part 2.

Golden waterfall, ecotropes and rocks – entertainment in Novosibirsk. Part 2.

The next day it was the turn of the waterfalls.

Sunrise in the Maslyaninsky district

In the heat, the coolness of the water and its frothy dress winding among the rocky shores is the most fascinating picture. You can watch endlessly. We rushed to admire them and be inspired.
The first stop was made on the Suenga River.

Sueng River

The cascade of waterfalls was formed here when the Suenginskaya hydroelectric power station was built in the 30s of the twentieth century. Then the river was launched along a new channel, which formed picturesque water rapids. The power plant is no longer working, but the attraction - the waterfall – still pleases tourists. 

Rapids of the waterfall on Sueng

The Suenga is also notable for the fact that gold of the highest grade is mined in it and it goes, among other things, to the gold reserve of Russia. But on this day we set a goal to go around the waterfalls and take beautiful photos on them, and we postponed the excursion to the gold mining museum for the future. 
Soon we arrived at another waterfall – "Buchilo". The August sun scorches without mercy, and the Buchilovskaya water freezes the stones. I stepped barefoot to the center of the waterfall, wanting to indulge in its sunny spray, but quickly changed my mind – this entertainment turned out to be too cold. Sparks of the sun in splashes of water, colorful butterflies frolicking around and lots, lots of greenery. What else does a traveler need for happiness? 

Waterfall and butterfly

The most memorable and difficult was a walk to the rock "Climber". It is difficult because it is located on the territory of the Legostaevsky nature reserve and movement by car is prohibited there. We had to abandon the car at the entrance and walk two kilometers under the scorching sun in thirty-degree heat. 
The finish point is a view of the river and the forest from the rock "Climber", causes genuine children's delight.  That's why tourists come here. The unique atmosphere of the mountainous terrain here is emphasized by delicate plants, proudly towering over the rocky rifts.

Mountain plant

We stood on a rock, blown from all sides by a rose of winds, and then all together went down to the Berd River and bathed in the invigorating cold water. It was too hot. The climb up proved difficult. My husband was carrying his son in his arms (a three-year-old traveler would not climb a steep mountain himself if he wanted to), and I was walking ahead, trying to protect my long dress from prickly bushes.

Ah, a girl in any journey remains a girl who loves beautiful dresses and atmospheric photos in unusual places. Especially in one where you feel lightness, carelessness and just enjoy the elegance of local beauties.
This feeling of euphoria from unity with nature gives incredible energy and energizes.  

Views from the cliff Climber

 In general, bright emotions on a trip to the Maslyaninsky district are guaranteed to you. It is worth visiting here to enjoy the inspiring, untouched nature, incredibly beautiful views and unusual places that can not be found in any other place in Russia.

And what interesting and beautiful places are there in your region?) Share your stories and photos))