Novosibirsk is the birthplace of snow women

Novosibirsk is the birthplace of snow women

At the end of 2023, the city of Novosibirsk was officially proclaimed as the homeland of snow women. The Tourist Information Center has registered the corresponding trademark. So the city suddenly has a new symbol and a festive mascot. Why is it unexpected? Yes, because according to one version, the idea was born out of a joke. In 2022, the All-Russian Congress of Santa Claus was held in Novosibirsk and someone dropped the phrase 

"All the grandfathers are in place, but where are the women?" The phrase turned into an idea, to name the Siberian city is the birthplace of snow women. According to another version, within the framework of the New Year's Capital of Russia project in Novosibirsk, a record was set for the number of sculpted snow women (130 figures), which was entered into the register of records of Russia. 

A new spacious place for Novosibirsk residents and guests of the city "Park Arena" has become a snowy babi house.

It was completed and opened in 2023 at the same time as the new ice palace. This entire large-scale complex was being built for the Hockey World Youth Championship, which was to be held in 2023 in Novosibirsk. As a result, a big sports festival took place in another city and another country…But there is no silver lining! Novosibirsk has grown two wonderful objects: sports and cultural. 

The art object, a six-meter figure of a snow woman consisting of three steel mirror balls, was installed on the hill of the park in January 2024.

And nearby, along one of the main hiking trails, there is a neon statue with the inscription "Homeland of snow women". 
Personally, we like the Park Arena because it is spacious, there is a lot of space for everything. In particular, in the lowlands, around the hill on which the snow beauty sits, anyone can make their own version of a woman. 

The other day we visited this place to admire a new art object and a whole museum of snow figures in the open air, created by creative citizens. Some snow sculptures are so ridiculous, but so cute. You look around, your eyes run away. And the delight is complete.  

So this year we witnessed the appearance of a new interesting complex, which, without a doubt, will now become one of the main attractions of the city.   
Photographs, of course, do not fully convey all the beauty. And if you are traveling to Novosibirsk, I advise you to visit the Park Arena by all means. This stylish modern space will leave the most pleasant impressions in your memory.