On a trip to pick up a child!

On a trip to pick up a child!

2024 is the Year of the Family! As often happens, expectant parents try to use all possible ways to have a child in the family. There are visits to holy places, alternative medicine, and much more. But the most popular is visiting those places that help you get pregnant. Such places have gained special popularity since ancient times. Today we will tell you about the most powerful of them, about those who come from all over the world. Who knows, maybe they will help you too. 

One of those places is the Askiz district of the Republic of Khakassia, where Ulug Hurtuyakh tas has been standing since ancient times. This is an Okunevsky stone statue of more than two tons and 3 meters high, carved from gray sandstone. He is also called the "Big Stone Old Woman". It was known about him back in the III-II thousand BC. It is believed that, being the personification of the goddess Umai, the patroness of motherhood and childhood, she solves the problem of childbirth. They knew about it, came here, brought modest gifts, asked for the birth of children.  Daniel Gottlieb Messerschmid wrote in 1722: "The pagan Tatars showed her great honor, traveled around her three times, after which they made her an offering in the form of food."
Various festivals are held here today, filled with national flavor and attracting a large number of participants.

In the Kolomenskoye Museum-reserve near Moscow there are "Maiden Stone" and "Goose stone". On the edge of the ravine, which is called the Voice, stands the Church of the Beheading of John the Baptist. And at the bottom of the ravine there are huge stones: "Maiden" and "Goose-stone". These blocks of quartz sandstone of the Lower Cretaceous period weighing under 5,000 tons were brought to Moscow during the Ice Age. They were used as altars on which sacrifices were offered to the gods. There is a legend that St. George the Victorious defeated the snake monster here, but lost his horse. His remains turned into sacred stones. People believe that these giants have not lost their properties. And scientists have determined that very strong electromagnetic radiation emanates from the surface of the boulders.
The maiden stone resembles a turtle. And he has been living for 4-5 thousand years. It is believed that their age is 4-5 thousand years. There are always a lot of women around him who want to get pregnant.

And the "Goose stone" adds masculine strength. There is a belief that if a man sits on it, his “male” strength will double. But in order to have children, it is recommended to come here together.

 The blue stone is located on Pleshcheyev Lake in the Yaroslavl region near Pereslavl-Zalessky.  A legendary boulder weighing 12 tons stands on the shore of the lake. A huge silver-blue stone was brought to these places in prehistoric times by a glacier. When the first tribes came here more than 2000 years ago, there was a mountain 30 meters high above the water, and a blue stone lay on top of the mountain. He was already a shrine then. Later, the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky grew up nearby. By the way, by order of Tsar Vasily Shuisky, they decided to get rid of the stone. They dug a deep hole and pushed a boulder into it, covering it with earth. But years later, the Blue stone appeared in its former place.

The belief in the miraculous power of the stone has been passed down from generation to generation. They have been preserved to this day. A woman who wants a child needs to sit on a boulder to make her dream come true.
They also go to the Chapel of St. Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg, who was born in the first half of the XVIII century. In St. Petersburg, they also ask for children. Her husband died when Xenia was twenty-six years old. So great was the love for her husband that Xenia gave away all her possessions, put on the costume of the deceased and responded only to his name, carrying the cross of foolishness – a voluntary feat of foolishness. Even during his lifetime, it was believed that the touch of the Mother of God gives health to children. Mothers sought to bring a child to her for healing. Ksenia prayed for childless women, for sick children and adults. She was buried at the Smolensk cemetery. People often took some earth from her grave with them, and the hill gradually disappeared no matter how many times it was filled up. And even the stone one faced the same fate: it was disassembled into pieces and carried away by believers. Then a chapel was erected over the grave of Xenia the Blessed. They come here hoping to become parents. To ask Xenia for help, you need to leave a note at the chapel with a request, put a candle and walk around the chapel three times.

In the Caucasus, legends about the power of the Ullu-Tau Mountain or Mother Mountain are still alive to this day. It is believed that here you can recover from infertility, female diseases, and find family harmony. Ullu-Tau is located in Kabardino-Balkaria in the Elbrus National Reserve. At its foot there is a tree with ribbons that say "son" or "daughter". To ask the Mother Mountain for the fulfillment of a dream, it is necessary to climb. 

And what are the miraculous places that help you find the happiness of parenthood, do you know?