Secrets of the Russian North

Secrets of the Russian North

When it comes to planning a vacation, most of us dream of going somewhere warmer, thinking about the South or abroad. About the leisurely passage of time on the beach, the hot sun and cocktails by the pool. And I've been dreaming of going to the Russian North for a year now. Where the cold sea and lakes are, where ancient fortresses and ancient dishes are remembered, where songs and epics are remembered. There.

To Solovki

For some reason, the sad northern islands with the notorious harsh prison, ancient monasteries and the northern lights have been wanting to see for a very long time. Someone writes how he went here to watch white whales and wander barefoot on the moss, someone - to eat fish soup and pick mushrooms with berries, someone – to worship the holy relics, having visited the hermitages of strict rules with severe hermit monks.

Have you watched Pavel Lungin's film "The Island"? So, the chapel from this movie can also be seen here.
I also really want to look at the Solovetsky fortress built of huge boulders, the heaviest of which weighs 11 tons, and at the mysterious stone labyrinths.

To the homeland of Lomonosov

The second dream is to see the pearl of the Russian North, Russia's largest open–air museum of wooden architecture. These are the "Small Korels" in the Arkhangelsk region. They are on the list of especially valuable objects in Russia. Reading about this place, looking at photos, I have long wanted to be there, to be transported back several hundred years ago. And all you have to do is drive about half an hour from Arkhangelsk.

Here you can see the facets of the richest North Russian peasant architecture of the Pomors, monuments of folk architecture: the house of a Dvinsky peasant, a bathhouse, an ambergris, a blacksmith shop, windmills. Here you can plunge into the atmosphere of the epic North with its chopped huts, fairy tales, festive round dance and songs.

To Belozersk

There was no Moscow in the world
With her sovereign affairs,
And he has already "gone to you",
He shone domes around the world.
Sergey Orlov

The once wild northern region of the Finno-Ugric Mer tribe. Why do I want to come here so much? This is one of the most ancient cities of Russia! "Belozersk is an epic city," they say about it. A city that has been living for 11 centuries.
Hence, "the Russian Land has gone to eat." If you read the chronicle, you will find records that Rurik's brother Sineus "sat down" to reign here in 862. The ancient settlement itself is now flooded with water. But the Belozersky Kremlin is worth the joy of tourists – a unique monument of defense architecture of the XV century. And many other architectural monuments.

The beauty of the White Lake has been remembered by many since childhood. After all, it was captured by Vasily Shukshin in the film "Kalina Krasnaya".
Beloozero, on which the city stands, is one of the ten largest lakes in Europe.

Few people know, but this was where the "window to Europe" used to be. They extracted fish both for the king's table and for sale to Western countries.
And now you can try different interesting fish dishes in local restaurants.
But I also want to see what they used to drive to fish before. Therefore, I dream of getting to the Museum "Traditional boats of the Belozersky region".

Would you like such a vacation?