The Great Battle of Molodinsk: An Inspiring Event in Russian History

The Great Battle of Molodinsk: An Inspiring Event in Russian History
Another celebration of the anniversary of the Battle of Molodinsky took place today. We were going to visit the planetarium, but after seeing the signs and realizing that there would be no holiday tomorrow, we decided to look at the event.
As always, a bit of history. What kind of battle is this?
The Battle of Molodyoi (July 29 – August 2, 1572) was a key battle of the reign of Ivan the Terrible. It took place 50 versts south of Moscow, near the village of Molodi. On the one hand, Russian troops numbering about 23,000-25,000 people under the command of Princes Mikhail Vorotynsky and Dmitry Hvorostinin participated in the battle. On the other hand, the Crimean horde under the leadership of Khan Devlet I Giray numbered from 40,000 to 60,000 soldiers, including Turkish and Nogai detachments.
Despite the numerical superiority of the enemy, the Russian army won a convincing victory, inflicting significant losses on the Crimean Turkish forces and putting them to flight. The Battle of Molodyoi was of great geopolitical importance, allowing Russia to maintain its independence and territorial integrity, as well as control over Kazan and Astrakhan. This victory strengthened the position of the Muscovite Kingdom, contributing to its further expansion and transformation into one of the largest powers in Europe.
The battle, often called the second Battle of Kulikovo, determined the future of Russia, providing the state with the necessary time to strengthen and develop. The Battle of Molodyoi became an important stage in the history of Russia, affecting its future fate and geopolitical position.
How was the celebration
Admission to the event is free. In an open field near the village of Molodi, as last year, a reconstruction zone was set up, many food courts and craftsmen who immediately They held master classes and sold their handmade goods. There were also games for children, although this year there were no such interesting entertainers who organized group Russian folk games with children and their parents. It was so memorable last year, which was a bit of a disappointment this year.
Teams from several cities took part in the reconstruction. The warm atmosphere that developed between the audience and the actors after the performance was noteworthy. It was also possible to take pictures with the artists, which, of course, I took advantage of. In general, the holiday turned out to be very emotional, and there were a lot of people.
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