Philocartist Club in the World of Hobbies

Philocartist Club in the World of Hobbies
Collecting is one of the most interesting and ancient occupations of mankind. There are several versions of the origin of this hobby: the desire for gathering, the main type of human activity in primitive times, or the replacement of something missing: emotions, loved ones, etc. There is a version that in the process of collecting a person calms down, reduces his level of anxiety, or increases the level of his importance. In my opinion, each version is viable, the reason is individual and depends primarily on the collector).
On our website you will find a forum of philocartists who will be very happy to tell you about the rarest and most memorable postcards in their collection. The Filocartists Club will allow you to plunge into the fabulous beauty of paper splendor, learn the history of each postcard from the first persons. After all, it is much nicer and easier to listen to the real story of a postcard from a person who knows everything about it than to find out the sites of Russian philocartists and try to extract any interesting information from there.
Of course, I may not have turned out to be a full-fledged collector of postcards, but there are still a number of commemorative copies. Recently, when putting things in order, I wanted to throw them away, but then I started reading and realized: everything is mine, I won't give it to anyone))! That is, for me, collecting postcards is, first of all, memorable memories. And for you?
Мне очень интересно, а есть у кого действительно редкие ценные экземпляры открыток. Может быть коллекционные или которые передавались из поколения в поколение?
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