The history of the creation of computer games

The history of the creation of computer games

The human brain is designed in such a way that it needs to switch attention, so the psyche becomes more stable, and cognitive abilities increase. Since ancient times, people have tried to come up with various games and entertainment. Archaeological excavations tell us that earlier the role of toys was played by sticks, tree branches, stones of various shapes, as well as animal skins and skeletons. As civilization developed, so did toys. In the middle of the 20th century, during the period of active development of technology and the invention of computers, the first games on the PC appeared. Of course, at the time of their creation, in the 1940s, they did not make any sensation, because computers were not a household item in people's homes, even in the Western world. In the 70s, the first game consoles with one or more games began to appear. Since that time, computer games have become more colorful and functional, and most importantly, publicly available.
In 1984, the game “Well, wait!”, known to every inhabitant of those times, appeared in the USSR; it was a welcome gift for every Soviet child for many years. Despite the fact that contemporaries consider this game copied from its Western counterpart, it has become truly a symbol of the era: a liquid crystal screen, an electronic clock and an additional alarm clock function are unimaginable things from the time of late communism.
Further, the development of computers and various gadgets developed rapidly and in just a decade and a half approached the modern description of PC games. Now the release of a new game is not something ordinary, despite the fact that video games of the third decade of the 21st century are more like a work of art than just a thoughtless shooter.
What was your first computer game? How did you feel when you played for the first time? Share your memories in the comments.