Interesting Facts About Computer Games You Didn't Know About

Interesting Facts About Computer Games You Didn't Know About

The field of Game Dev is one of the most discussed both in the professional environment and among fans of the genre. Indeed, the amount of investment in game development, and therefore the impact of games on the daily life and behavior of large groups of people, has been studied to a sufficient extent. We are ready to present you some facts that you probably did not know.
38% of all PC gamers are women. Moreover, they do not always like simple simulators. Mortal Kombat is a wonderful stress reliever for women. Here is the advice on where to look for a groom: just get carried away with games and join the crowd of lovers 🤣.
Up to 65% of all people under the age of 50 occasionally play computer games. Statistics are given for the European region, but in our country the picture is unlikely to be very different.
Shooter games have a positive effect on the speed of decision-making in real life. This fact has been proven by numerous studies and is an important argument in discussions among gamers.
The most recognizable character of the computer game - plumber Mario is a real person. The game's developers named him after the landlord of their office. Statistics tell us that within a few years after the release of the game, the number of newborns with the name Mario has increased dramatically around the world 🥳.
Wardens in Chinese prisons used the labor of prisoners as World of Warcraft players to earn in-game currency, which they later exchanged for real money. It is noteworthy that when this fact became known, no punishment was applied to the violators. The prison administration considered that in this way prisoners make a much more significant contribution to the prison treasury 🤠.
Of course, these are not all entertaining facts about the world of computer games. We invite you to share your knowledge or discuss the next video review of PC games with like-minded people in the comments.