Book club is the best way to make intellectual acquaintances! | iLike

Book club is the best way to make intellectual acquaintances! | iLike
A book is a great way to take your mind off reality and pump up your emotional intelligence. However, not many people know that with the help of books you can find a lot of people who are close in their views and beliefs. Such sites are called book clubs. All participants are united by a love of reading and in-depth analysis of characters. As a rule, the participants exchange experiences and opinions about the books read and according to a certain schedule, the members of the club should study the next book for discussion at a subsequent meeting. Far from always, such communities have a versatile theme of works; more narrowly focused genres have recently appeared. Sometimes such communities, over time, acquire some “chips” that make them truly unique in the whole world.
For example, in the New York Public Library, the book club is held in the format of speed dating. Each participant should come to the meeting with a book they would like to talk about. In a short time, the couple should have time to tell each other about their work. So, in one meeting you can learn about many interesting works and get a lot of friends.
The London book club author has come up with another unusual concept by combining two of her favorite hobbies - reading and walking in the park. Every month the members of the club gather in Hampstead Heath park and go wandering along the winding paths. Along the way, the whole group discusses the work that should have been read for this meeting. Thus, walking helps to perfectly structure thoughts, nature and fresh air have a beneficial effect on health, and discussions are no less exciting.
There are still many similar examples in the world, because everything depends only on the imagination of the participants. Share your experience of membership in unusual book clubs, for example, how do you feel about the online format?
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Настенька # ↓
У нас в институте был секретный книжный клуб — это добавляло интриги с очень сблизило всех членов сообщества 😏reply-
Анна К # ↑ ↓
Здорово! такие знакомства помогают завести друзей на всю жизньreply -
Mark Usovets # ↑ ↓
😎 😎 😎reply
Михаил Серебкин # ↓
классный форматс прогулкой — я бы в таком поучаствовал 😍reply -
Эля Синичкина # ↓
А для меня приглянулся вариант с быстрыми свиданиями и книгами: двух зайцев одним выстрелом 😘reply-
Алексей # ↑ ↓
Тоже его себе отметил)))reply -
Данила # ↑ ↓
Поющие в терновнике — отличная книга для рассказа на таких форматах 😊reply-
Оксана # ↑ ↓
Моя любимая 😇reply
Тимофей Акзыр # ↓
Для меня онлайн формат вполне приемлем: живу в небольшом городе и вряд ли могу рассчитывать на вступление в полноценный офлайн клуб книголюбов)reply-
Олеся # ↑ ↓
И меня устраивает: я временно живу за границей и очень не хватает общения на родном языке. Книжный клуб онлайн — хорошее решениеreply
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