Erast Fandorin - impressions from a series of detectives by Boris Akunin

Erast Fandorin - impressions from a series of detectives by Boris Akunin
A series of books by a talented modern writer Boris Akunin about Erast Fandorin consists of 28 detective stories. The author tried to write each book in a different detective genre - espionage, ethnographic, conspiracy and others. The chronological order allows you not to miss any of the stages in the life of Erast Petrovich, with whom the author introduces us for the first time in the detective story “Azazel”. A very young and still a little naive Fandorin is investigating a case of an intricate conspiracy in which various sections of Russian society were involved. Before our eyes, the hero grows up and gains experience. It is in this book that he loses his beloved under tragic circumstances, after which gray whiskey, a slight stutter and a romantic flair become his lifelong companions.
Erast Fandorin was a standard of nobility, education and fidelity, which stood out especially at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The author's passion for Japanese culture is also reflected in the plot picture. So, the action in the books "Diamond Chariot" and "Jade Rosary" takes place precisely in Japan, where Erast Petrovich finds a faithful and devoted friend Masu all his life.
The entire series of books has a gripping storyline that stands out for Boris Akunin's excellent command of words. The works are easy to read, while speech turns impress even fans of classical literature. The detective “Coronation”, which tells about the mysterious disappearance of the cousin of Tsar Nicholas II on the eve of his accession to the throne, stands out with especially high literature.
Based on the works of Akunin, the detectives “Azazel”, “Turkish Gambit” and “State Counselor” will also be filmed, in which the most eminent actors of Russian cinema were honored to act. The series of Erast Fandorin leaves an indelible impression and is rightfully considered the property of modern Russian literature.
Dear forum users, what is your favorite book in the series? Share your feedback about Erast Fandorin!
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Олеся # ↓
Это моя любимая серия! Восхищение Акуниным и его героем 😍 😍 😍reply -
Анна К # ↓
Интересная серия! Была также на спектакле поставленному по Левиафану — замечательная работа!reply-
Тимофей Акзыр # ↑ ↓
не на театр Безрукова случйно?reply-
Анна К # ↑ ↓
😊 😊 😊 верно! очень понравилось!reply
- # ↓
от этих книжек — не оторваться)))reply -
Юлиана # ↓
Прекрасный слог, симпатичный герой, исторический экскурс — идеальное сочетание для интересных книг! Рекомендую!reply -
Серафим # ↓
По уровню увлекательности сюжета книги Акунина не уступают классикам Конан Дойлю, Жюлю Верну и Джеку Лондону. 😊reply- # ↑ ↓
Согласен! Именно эти произведения погрузили меня в прекрасный возраст юношества с любимыми романами — азарт и приключения)))reply
Данила # ↓
Если вы это еще не читали — вам просто повезло! я бы хотел стереть себе память, чтобы вновь окунуться в это море приключений! 😄reply -
Михаил Серебкин # ↓
Восхитителен сюжет характеры героев, эпоха… любимая серия Акунина!!! 😍reply
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