To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Recently, a friend of mine recommended the book "To Kill a Mockingbird" as his favorite. I was interested in such a high rating, and I also decided to read it.
The book was written by American writer Harper Lee in 1960, and immediately after its release received an award.
The book is set in the 30s of the 20th century in America in the small town of Maycomb. The story comes from the first person, an 8-year-old girl, Jean–Louise, nicknamed Glazastik, who lives in a house with her lawyer father and older brother.
She talks about her adventures with her brother, the arrival of their mutual friend Dill, the environment in which she lives, her father's work, society in such a way that you involuntarily imagine everything to the smallest detail. It is hardly possible to detail everything described in a nutshell, it needs to be read and ... seen), so vividly imagine the actions of the book when reading.
It is believed that the success of the book was a milestone in the struggle for the rights of blacks. But it was also very interesting for me to be, as if, an eyewitness to the life of a small American town, its way of life, customs and culture of American citizens of that time. It is surprisingly subtly described how the father is an educated person, teaches children, tactfully and constantly tells them something new and corrects their behavior. This is an example for many parents to follow. And that's the only reason it deserves to be read.
And another refrain in the book is the description of some terrible neighbor who did not leave the house, and everyone around him was afraid. In fact, he turned out to be a kind, intelligent and brave man. As a result, he saved the main character and her brother from mortal danger. This denouement causes a storm of contradictory emotions in the reader.
At the end of the book, Jane, nicknamed Glazastik, accompanies her savior, Mr. Arthur, takes him by the arm, like a real lady. Beautiful and a little sad…
Have you read the book "To Kill a Mockingbird"? What did you like most about it?
If you haven't read it, we advise you to read it.)