Assistance to our partners in the promotion of goods and services.

Assistance to our partners in the promotion of goods and services.
The world of Hobbies is a forum not only for communication and discussion of common hobbies and hobbies, but also an opportunity to offer your products and services in order to make a profit.
We offer you to advertise your products on the website. To do this, you need to pre-register on our website. Now you can post information, without specifying prices for your goods and services, on your personal page of our website, as well as in the comments on the forum. After the product is placed, the user is assigned a seller icon. From now on, you become our partner. By this icon, site visitors will be able to see your work and service profile. Please note that there is no direct sale of goods and services on the ”World of Hobbies" website. On the website you can only advertise your activities.
To purchase the products you like and to order services, as well as price issues, the buyer must contact the seller, whose contact is indicated in his profile, if the seller did not provide other information in the comments to the product to contact him.
You can also become our partner through the placement of advertising banners on our website. The terms of their placement and tariffs can be found in more detail in the Section for our partners | iLike.
We will be glad to cooperate!
We wish you good luck in finding buyers and in developing your business!
Майолика — разновидность керамических изделий, изготовляемых из белой или серой обожжённой глины, покрытой двумя слоями глазури.
Слово «майолика» произошло от названия итальянского острова Майорка. Через этот остров с 16 века в Италию привозили изделия испано-мавританской керамики.
В России также изготавливают изделия из майолики. Ниже вы можете ознакомиться с несколькими такими изделиями ручной работы и, при желании, их приобрести.
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