Festive feast: How not to overdo it and keep healthy?

Festive feast: How not to overdo it and keep healthy?
Dear friends!
The main holiday is very close. Sparklers, chimes, a cherished wish and a festive table. I have prepared recommendations for you on how to spend it without risking gaining extra pounds.
On December 30, 31, continue to observe your usual daily routine, as usual in time: breakfast, lunch, snack (if you have one) and a light dinner.
Drink enough clean water:
- Drink a glass of warm water before sitting down at the festive table.
- put water next to the alcohol, and after taking a sip of alcohol, take two sips of water.
Water removes congestion, dilutes blood, removes toxins, and reduces stress on the body.
On January 1st, do not arrange a forced fasting day, listen to your body, it is quite normal to continue your normal daily routine.
Festive table:
- be sure to put plates with herbs and vegetables, it is possible with salty ones - fiber helps to remove excess from the body and not overeat.
- instead of the sausage you bought, bake any meat in the oven, it's very simple, inexpensive, tasty and healthy. The recipe is simple: rub a piece of any meat with salt and pepper, stuff it with garlic cloves and put it in a preheated 180 degree oven.
- do not cook in reserve, it is better to calculate how much food you need to cook, based on the rule for each serving with an additive. This will avoid stocks in the refrigerator and the temptation to eat. Believe me, excess food from 2 to 3 days ago will not bring anything but extra centimeters.
- when collecting a plate for yourself, put just a little bit.
- add activities to your leisure time: dancing, walking, outdoor games.
And a little psichological) We are so organized that on holidays, especially on New Year's Eve, our table is full of a variety of food. We cook all the most delicious and rare things in our daily lives. And of course, when we sit down at the table, we want to try everything on the table.
Let's start the holiday now, every day until the new year we can cook one of our favorite dishes from the festive menu, and you can order it, and you can go to a cafe during your lunch break – there are a lot of options. Please yourself while enjoying the dish. This will allow you not to overeat on New Year's Eve, showing moderation.
Happy New Year! Love and prosperity to you!
Nutritionist Islamova Galiya
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