Make your world of hobbies bright
Make your world of hobbies bright
Do you remember how many times you wanted to take up a new hobby, but did not know where to start, or did you simply not have enough time for it? Or when voicing your hobby, you did not find support from your relatives and close people, from which you gave up? After all, when you are passionate about something, whether it's traveling, cooking or collecting stamps, to one degree or another, you want your surroundings to take part in this joyful world, and also like-minded people with whom it is so interesting to discuss future trips to Kamchatka, or an interesting new cake recipe, or to speculate about the value a rare postage stamp “Holy Grail" - the most expensive stamp in the world.
The world of hobbies and hobbies for someone will become a fresh breath of air among the everyday dullness of life. There are simple rules for the entire “World of Hobbies” website: politeness, tolerance and a desire to discuss your hobby. Life hacks, know-how and interest in the analysis of questions and topics of interest to you are welcome here. The more information you learn about hobbies and hobbies, the more interesting the dialogue on our forum becomes. Go ahead!
Я в поиске нового увлечения! Интереса ради зашла сюда, ищу вдохновение на новое увлечение 😃
Мне ближе приключения. Я объездила почти всю Европу. И в каждую страну я составляю список мест, которые хочу посетить, еду, колторую хочу попробовать и т.д.) В общем путешествия — это про меня 😆
А я вот болею 😷 поэтому мое хобби сейчас лечиться 😆
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