Sevastopol - discover the city together with the club of lovers of travel and recreation
Sevastopol - discover the city together with the club of lovers of travel and recreation
Sevastopol is the city of glory of the Russian fleet. Due to its strategic location, Russian admirals have repeatedly won historical battles and battles in the Crimea. Sevastopol is a truly amazing city, where you can find sights and interesting sculptures at every step.
One of the main attractions is Tauric Chersonesos. Until the XIII-XIV centuries, the city of Chersonesos existed on the site of Sevastopol, and the Crimea had the name of Taurida. It was this place that contributed to the prosperity of the culture and prosperity of the Greek polis. In the future, the fate of Chersonesos was sealed with the advent of nomads: the once amazing world fell into disrepair. In the XIX century, excavations were started on the site of the city, as a result of which irrefutable proof of the existence of Chersonesos was found. Later, an open-air museum was opened at the excavation site.
Tauric Chersonese
The monument to the submerged ships became famous among tourists. This monument was erected in honor of the memory of the ships that stood as a living barrier to the city of Sevastopol for the Anglo-French fleet. Dozens of ships were sunk in 1854-55 in the Crimean War.
Monument to sunken ships
And how not to visit Primorsky Boulevard, a green alley built on the site of fortifications during the Crimean War. It houses unique expositions and interesting sights. At the end of the XIX century, live music was played in the alley in the evenings and entrance to it was paid. Not everyone could afford to spend their leisure time on such a wonderful coast.
The Theater of the Black Sea Fleet, the Palace of Childhood and Youth, the Sevastopol Art Museum, the Sevastopol Marine Aquarium Museum and many other architectural historical monuments deserve special attention for visiting. The list of sights of Sevastopol is so large that it is impossible to describe it in one article. Come to our club of travel and leisure lovers and share your pleasant impressions of visiting museums and memorable places of Sevastopol.
Живу недалеко от Севастополя и этот город стоит того, чтобы в него заглянуть хотя бы на денек. Хотя я вам сразу скажу, что одного дня будет маловато, что посмотреть все интересные места города.
Я когда приезжаю в Севастополь сразу иду на набережную. Для меня это какое-то место силы. Там же и памятник затопленным кораблям, про который описано выше. Плюс на набережной есть приличные заведения, где можно вкусно и недорого покушать
А еще мы с детьми ходили в Севастопольский морской Аквариум-музей, тоже очень понравилось. Есть интересные экземпляры, а если взять услуги гида, но экскурсия становится вдвойне разнообразной
В далеком 2000 году я ездил отдыхать в Севастополь. Куча достопримечательностей, на выбор куча мест, куда можно сьездить, посмотреть или посетить. Не только в Севастополе, но и за его пределами. Из запомнившегося — Стрелецкая бухта. просто там было очень красиво