Krasnodar Krai is a place worth discussing in the Forum travelers club on our website.

Krasnodar Krai is a place worth discussing in the Forum travelers club on our website.
Krasnodar Krai is located in the south-west of the Russian Federation and consists of 38 districts. It consists of 15 cities of regional subordination, 11 cities of district subordination, as well as other settlements. The most popular cities are Krasnodar, Novorossiysk, Goryachy Klyuch, Armavir, the resort cities of Gelendzhik, Sochi, Anapa.
Most often it is associated with the sea, good weather and rest. The region is characterized by hot summers and mild winters. Krasnodar Krai is very rich in sights, both natural and architectural.
Every citizen of the Russian Federation knows the city of Sochi, and since 2014, thanks to the holding of the Winter Olympic Games in the city, the whole world has learned about the city. We recommend visiting the Olympic Park, which was built specifically for the Olympics. Professional athletes are still training on the territory of the Olympic village, and after their training, everyone can try to ride a bob or other types of sled. There is something to do here both in winter and in summer.
Not far from Sochi, Mount Akhun is located - a tourist attraction attracting tourists with its amazing caves (more than 20 pieces). Here you will also find waterfalls and beautiful forests. Many plant species (34) that grow on the mountain are listed in the Red Book of Russia.
Agur waterfalls and Yew-boxwood grove are famous for their extraordinary beauty. However, these are not all the sights that you can see.
Agur Waterfalls
We also recommend visiting Sochi National Park. It was founded in 1983. Here you will find indescribable beauty of caves, lakes, waterfalls, canyons, etc. One of the directions of the park's functioning is the conservation of the leopard population.
Sochi National Park
Gelendzhik is a city that has absorbed a significant number of beautiful sights both within its borders and in its surroundings. The most picturesque place is considered to be the "Blue Bay", which is located ten kilometers from the city center. The color of the water, its transparency, the wide coastline attracts tourists and divers from all over Russia.
St. Andrew's Park is located near the Cathedral of St. Andrew the First-Called and the date of its foundation is April 28, 2017. The park will appeal to both children and the older generation.
Gelendzhik Museum is the most important and the only city scientific and methodological center, which is the basis for the preservation of historical memory and the development of cultural initiatives in the resort city of Gelendzhik. The date of its foundation is considered to be July 18, 1909. Its role in preserving the cultural heritage of the Krasnodar Territory is priceless, so we highly recommend visiting it.
Anapa will be a wonderful city to visit. And without a doubt, the most famous and useful beach of Anapa is the Therapeutic beach. It is therapeutic because thanks to algae that are carried ashore by waves, they saturate the air and sand with iodine and phosphorus, as well as many trace elements. That is why many families come here for health improvement with their children. The microclimate of the Therapeutic beach has a beneficial effect on breathing, skin condition, joints, treatment and prevention of many diseases.
The Utrish State Nature Reserve is located within the boundaries of the municipal formation of the city of Novorossiysk and the resort city of Anapa, in the north-east of the Black Sea, with an area of 1,0008 hectares. Its depths hold real treasures, 20 species of insects are listed in the Red Book, and 13 of them live exclusively on this territory. The Utrish State Nature Reserve is the only one in the Russian Federation that includes the Black Sea water area.
It is worth noting the popularity of the Crimean Bridge with a length of 12 km, built across the Kerch Strait in 2018. This bridge connects Crimea with the continental part of Russia. This bridge is the first thing that a tourist sees when crossing the path from one piece of land to another.
Bugaz Spit is a piece of land popular among kitesurfers due to the local winds and shallow water. The length of the spit is 12 km, while the sand is a mixture of shell rock and pebbles. Even beginners will be able to try kitesurfing here, and those who prefer a quieter vacation will be able to enjoy the unique atmosphere of this place.
Bugaz spit
All the beauties of the Krasnodar Territory cannot be counted. What is the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve, Lake Kardyvach, Eagle Rocks, mud volcanoes of the Taman Peninsula, the Arboretum Park in Sochi and many other objects where it is impossible not to come.
Krasnodar Krai is a place worth discussing in the Forum travelers club on our website. We are sure that you have something to surprise and something to tell about your travels to this region.
Comments ()
Виктор Ребекша # ↓
Мы как-то отдыхали в Геленжике с семьей. Вот зря тогда не взяли никакую экскурсию, сейчас очень жалею, столько интересных мест оказывается было вокруг нас.reply -
Ксения # ↓
Мы ездили на Бугазскую косу. Так классно провели время. Есть ощущение полной оторванности от реальности и уникальности. Вот прям рекомендую всем к посещениюreply-
Слава Кощеев # ↑ ↓
А что по ценам? там можно взять на прокат все обмундирование, чтобы покататься на кайтсерфинге?reply -
Светлана # ↑ ↓
И мне было бы по ценам узнать, что да какreply-
Ксения # ↑ ↓
Честно сказать не помню, но было что-то совсем демократичное. Я помню мы удивились еще, что цены в пределах разумного. Я думаю вы сможете более подробную инфу узнать, если полазите по инету.reply
Анастасия # ↓
А мы семьей отдыхали в Анапе на Лечебном пляже. Детям понравилось и мы подлечились. Однако прежде чем туда ехать изучили все аспекты за и против посещение данного пляжа. И только потом принимали решение о поездке. Из наблюдений, и дети и мы стали болеть реже.reply- # ↑ ↓
И мы были с семьей на этом пляже. Вроде ничего особенного не случилось, но отдохнули хорошоreply
КрашКО # ↓
А мне очень интересно побывать в заповеднике Утриш. ЛЮблю такие места, почти первобытные природные.reply -
Серафим # ↓
Советую всем съездить на отдых в Роза Хутор. Зимний отдых там отменный, и покататься на лыжам, и в баньку, и вкусно отужинать можно. А красота вокруг неописуемаяreply -
Алекс Змей # ↓
Советую к посещению Воронцовские пещеры. По длине они вроде 12 000 км, так сказал нам экскурсовод. зрелище стоит вашего времени. Пещеры оборудованы лестницами, в целом находится там комфортноreply -
Светлана (seller) # ↓
В Краснодарском крае, в Темрюкском районе, есть удивительное место — долина Лотосов. Лотос – цветок, который считается священным во многих странах и духовных практиках, как и подсолнух, всегда обращен к солнцу, и закрывается с заходом солнца. 😲 Живет каждый цветок всего 10-12 дней. Появилась долина лотосов благодаря упорному труду ботаников прошлого столетия. Добраться к туда можно на личном, или экскурсионном транспорте, дальше в долине желающих с ветерком доставляют на моторных лодках. Период активного цветения лотосов июль — август, но цветение возможно и до октября.reply
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