Reading books is the most exciting hobby | iLike

Reading books is the most exciting hobby | iLike

Real lovers of reading categorically do not recognize audiobooks. It is believed that the very process of turning over paper pages, the ability to take notes in the margins, and just the smell of printing inks cannot be compared with such a frivolous option as an audio track in a smartphone. We will not argue with this, but we will note some advantages of this kind of knowledge of literature, and perhaps you will become less categorical.
To begin with, let's recall a fact that scientists have not ceased to repeat in recent years: the most powerful emotions in a person are precisely the information heard. Perhaps your favorite book will open for you from an unexpected side if you play it in audio format. Think about it!
The next statement in favor of audiobooks is the ability to take them with you anywhere, because they are loaded into your smartphone and cannot be forgotten. Agree, it is not always convenient to keep a heavy volume of the next work at hand, especially when you have to carry a lot of things in your hands all day. In addition, with the help of an audiobook, you can turn off the ambient noise in transport, on the street or in a cafe. This will allow you to listen to and analyze more books, because there are more opportunities for this.
We must not miss the fact that our organs of vision have a colossal load every day. Unfortunately, hobbies like reading can speed up the process of declining eye health. Audiobooks allow you to rest your eyesight and help maintain health, which is priceless.
What say you, book lovers? Whose side are you on?