"Pride and Prejudice" D. Austin - book discussion | iLike

"Pride and Prejudice" D. Austin - book discussion | iLike

Jane Austen's book "Pride and Prejudice" is a wonderful work of its era, which is included in the required curriculum for British college students to this day. This book is about human disposition, which can be a strong-willed character trait, but at the same time destroy real feelings.
The main character of the novel, Elizabeth Bennet, is a young girl from an aristocratic but poor family. Unlike her sisters and mother, she has a sharp mind, thinks critically, at a glance she can understand the essence of the person standing in front of her. At the same time, she has a cheerful disposition and is open to others.
The second character, Mr. Darcy, is an intelligent, well-mannered and noble aristocrat, who, however, is quite arrogant.
The fate of the heroes is intertwined, feelings are born, but, alas, it is pride and prejudice that do not allow taking the first step towards each other. Only through actions that helped to express the true attitude of Mr. Darcy towards Elizabeth, she was able to discern in him an honest and noble person behind external coldness and arrogance. Fortunately, our heroes were able to overcome their vices and pride, and let sincere love and devotion into their lives.
The novel teaches not to be afraid of openness, it is easier to relate to the shortcomings of others and be sure to try to discern the true feelings of a person under the external mask of alienation. The book "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen leaves an indelible impression after reading, her spell does not let go for some time, and you constantly return to the plot and the analysis of the characters' characters. Dear book lovers, please share your feedback and feelings about this book.