Acquaintance by interests is a great opportunity to find interesting people.
Acquaintance by interests is a great opportunity to find interesting people.
There are more than 7 billion people on the planet. Everyone has their own character, hobbies and approach to life. Just imagine how many extraordinary people you can meet and how much interesting knowledge, ideas and inspiration you can learn from them!
Meeting people with your common interests, you discover something new, attractive. Acquaintance by interests gives you an impetus to self-improvement, lights a fire in your heart, and sometimes suggests the realization of your dreams. And how nice it is to talk to people, after a hard day's work, who perfectly understand your passion for hobbies, support you and are always ready to help with practical advice.
Information exchange is the engine of progress in your area of interest. Gratefully accept and share information on the forums of our site, and you will be surprised how abruptly your life can change and how exciting your ideas and thoughts will become.
Henry Ford once said, “The best job is a high-paying hobby.” We hope your hobby, if it does not bring you profit, will give you maximum pleasure. We wish everyone to find, in addition to their favorite work, at least one more activity to their liking.
А в целом, кто чем увлекается?
Из таких друзей у меня появилась Sandra. Живет в Австрии. Полгода назад поехала к ней в гости. Очень классно провели время. Но об этом можно рассказывать бесконечно)))))) 😁
А мне было бы интересно почитать, как вы так подружились! Мне кажется, эта история заслуживает внимания!
Интересные у вас, ребята, увлечения! Я уже и забыл, что значит иметь хобби, все работа и работа! Может и мне накидаете пару вариков, ссылок для вдохновения! Буду благодарен)