
We help users of our information portal https://i-like.world / hire like-minded people for your hobby, craftsmen to place their works, small businesses in the field of tourism to place their author's tours, interesting recreation centers and events. The placement on the portal is free of charge. And all this is for Russian-speaking, English-speaking and Chinese audiences. Join us! 


Our platform is a unique resource that offers travelers not only information about routes and attractions in Russia, but also immerses them in the rich cultural palette of the regions. We talk about local customs, traditional souvenir products and culinary recipes, allowing you to better understand the identity of each area. In addition, we support small businesses by helping them come together and present their unique offers so that travelers can experience the diversity and richness of our country. Our goal is to create a space where the interests of travelers and local producers meet, promoting mutually beneficial cooperation and cultural exchange.

Legal information and banking details

IP kalnina Svetlana Vladimirovna, INN 504507400600, is engaged in the development of the portal https://i-like .World/, carries out data processing activities, provision of information placement services and related activities, code 63.11.

Full name of IP Kalnina Svetlana Vladimirovna
Legal address 119297, Ufa, Moscow, ul. Rodnikovaya, 30, ROOM 1, sq. 449.
The language help desk. +7 929 55 99 325
Email address ilike.world.hobbies@gmail.com
INN 504507400600
OGRN IP 321774600749910